In partnership with the New Jersey Department of Human Services, MCLS is participating in New Jersey’s Naloxone Distribution Program – designed to ensure communities across Mercer County impacted by the opioid epidemic have low-barrier access to Naloxone (Narcan).
“Specifically, Naloxone is used in opioid overdoses to counteract life-threatening depression of the central nervous system and respiratory system, allowing an overdose victim to breathe normally. Naloxone is a nonscheduled (i.e., non-addictive), prescription medication. Naloxone only works if a person has opioids in their system; the medication has no effect if opioids are absent.”
Opioid Overdose Basics – National Harm Reduction Coalition
Overdose Prevention / Harm Reduction Kits
Each of the nine MCLS branches has kits available for distribution. No prescription is needed to access Narcan from the MCLS branches. In each Overdose Prevention / Harm Reduction Kit you will find:
- Naloxone (Narcan) – used to reverse and opioid overdose
- DMHAS Overdose Fact Sheet – teaches about how to use Naloxone
- Free Naloxone Trainings Information Sheet
- CPR Face Shields – used to provide rescue breaths during an overdose reversal
- Gloves – used to protect your hands when touching drugs especially if they may contain fentanyl
- Fentanyl Test Strips – used to test all drugs for fentanyl especially when unexpected such as in Cocaine, Methamphetamine, MDMA (Ecstasy / Molly), Marijuana etc.
- Small sharps container – used to dispose of used syringes (needles)
- NJDOH Safe Syringe Disposal Pamphlet with local drop off sites on the back
- Human Services Emergency Resource Cards
- Medication Assisted Treatment Resources Flyer
- Mental Health Treatment Resources Flyer
- Opioid Addiction Treatment Guide from the American Society of Addiction Medicine
- Local Naloxone Pharmacies List
If you are not able to use any of the resources in this kit please share with those that may need these items within your community.
Please fill out the Mercer County Human Services – Harm Reduction Kit Feedback Survey.
Under the Good Samaritan Law, a person calling in good faith in the event of an opioid related overdose is immune from arrest, charges, and prosecution. Learn more at
Resources: Opioid Crises and Harm Reduction
Suggested resources provided by Outreach and Harm Reduction Services, Mercer County Department of Addiction Services.
The following books are all available to borrow from our branches. Please click or tap the blue, underlined title for the item’s listing in our catalog.
None of these documentaries are available from our catalog. In order to watch, you will need to follow the information provided below.
- Crack: Cocaine, Corruption & Conspiracy. 2021. Directed by Stanley Nelson. Available only on Netflix with a subscription.
- The Crime of the Century. 2021. Directed by Alex Gibney. Available only on HBO Max with a subscription.
All of the following presentations are available for free on YouTube. Please click or tap the blue, underlined title to take you straight to the video presentation.
- Harm Reduction as an Act of Compassion. Presented by Lyndsay Hartman [TEDxNorthCentralCollege]
- I Died Six Times … Let’s End the Stigma of Harm Reduction. Presented by Guy Felicella [TEDxWhiteRock]
- The Power of Addiction and The Addiction of Power. Presented by Gabor Maté [TEDxRio+20]
- Harm Reduction Truth. Presented by National Harm Reduction Coalition.
- National Harm Reduction Coalition. Includes educational resources on harm reduction information, as well as access to harm reduction trainings.; or
- New Jersey Harm Reduction Coalition.
- NextDistro. information around harm reduction supplies through mail, and harm reduction policy.
- Hyacinth AIDS Foundation. Located in Trenton. Provices HIV testing; PrEp counseling; STI Testing; local harm reduction center; gay/bisexual men’s health; and LGBTQ drop-in center and safe space.
- Mercer Council on Alcoholism and Drug Addiction.
- NASTAD. Includes educational resources on HIV, as well as intersecting health issues. Offers online webinars on different public health subjects.
- CDC: Stop Overdoses Education.
- NJ Health.
- Harm Reduction Centers in New Jersey.
- New Jersey Suicide Prevention Hotline. 1855.654.6735
- Vet2Vet. 1866.838.7654
- Drug Policy Alliance.
- Filter. harm reduction journalism
Treatment and Providers in Mercer County
- ReachNJ.
- NJ Addiction Services Treatment Directory.
- Mercer County Division of Addiction Services.
- The Rescue Mission Recovery Support Services Mobile Unit.
- Capital Health Mental Health Services. Available 24 hours a day; 7 days a week: 609.396.4357