All resources are provided by us at the Mercer County Library System or JerseyClicks, a statewide electronic resources program offered by the New Jersey State Library.
Bloom’s Literature is rich with relevant content on the core authors and works most studied in the high school curriculum. Students will find exactly what they need without having to wade through an uncurated search. Educators will appreciate the thoughtful organization and important curriculum tools to help with lesson plans, assignments, and independent study.
This For Students series helps you understand, analyze, and appreciate complex literary works from William Shakespeare, Edgar Allan Poe, Maya Angelou, and other great authors.
GALE Literature: Contemporary Authors
Find the biographies and bibliographies of thousands of U.S. and international authors. Continuously updated.
A comprehensive literary reference database, which provides users with a broad spectrum of reference information from antiquity to the present day. LRC is a completely full-text database that combines information from over 1,000 books and monographs, major literary encyclopedias and reference works, hundreds of literary journals, and unique sources not available anywhere else.
NoveList K-8 Plus is a database about books specifically for younger readers. It helps kids find books that are just right for their reading level and interests. Parents, teachers, and librarians can also find tools to teach with books and engage young readers. Includes nonfiction works.
NoveList Plus is the premiere database of reading recommendations, available through libraries around the world. It is a comprehensive source of information about books that includes expert recommendations, reviews, articles, lists and more.
Interface including all of the Salem Literature, History, Science and Health databases that MCL offers.
BookPage is a print magazine featuring reviews and lists of new print, eBook and audiobook titles. Copies of the print version are available for free in our libraries or you can view BookPage online.
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