Want us to purchase a book that you want to read and that will benefit our collection? Fill out this form for us to consider your suggestion! We will contact you when we decide to purchase the book or not. Please do not request upcoming releases more than three months in advance.
All eBook and digital audiobook suggestions should be made directly in eLibraryNJ/Libby by tapping the Notify Me button on the work. Please follow the directions on the Libby help page: Finding and tagging titles not offered by your library. Note, if a title does not appear in the Libby search, it is not available for us to purchase.
Guidelines for Suggestions
- Must be a Mercer County Library card holder.
- Request limit is 3 suggestions per month.
- Request 1 title at a time.
- Please do not request:
- Films in DVD or Blu-Ray that have not yet been released
- Music CDs that have not yet been released
- Books more than three months prior to publication
All suggestions must meet the selection criteria of the Mercer County Library System’s Collection Development policy. All materials must be purchased from County-approved vendors.