Caring for a loved one is one of the most rewarding, yet often challenging responsibilities individuals can face. Very frequently family members are completely unprepared for the financial, legal, medical, and moral obligations associated with care giving, and feel overwhelmed by the urgent nature of the learning curve.
In partnership with the Mercer County Department of Human Services, Aging & Disability Resource Connection, we recognize that caregiving is a privilege, but also can be a tremendous challenge. That’s why we’ve developed The Caregiver Backpack, available for check out to library patrons at any of the Mercer County Library System’s nine branches. We hope that the materials included in the backpack are informative and helpful to you in your journey as a caregiver. Along with numerous flyers and pamphlets, which you are encouraged to keep, the Backpack contains a list of helpful websites, print titles, and DVDs.
Caregiver Backpacks are available for check-out for a 3 week period, and can be renewed four additional times, if they are not on hold for another patron. There is a $1.00 per day overdue fine associated with the backpacks, and they must be returned inside the library and not through the book or DVD drops ($1.00 fee if returned in the book or DVD drop).
In addition, the staff of the Mercer County Aging & Disability Resource Connection are available to offer assistance to you and your family as you navigate caregiving. They can be reached at 609-989-6661 or
For more information, view the New Jersey Human Services’ New Jersey Resources.
If you find the resource in the backpack valuable, or if you have title suggestions for inclusion, we’d love to hear from you!
What Is Included
Please make sure all materials are placed back in the backpack before returning to the library. You may keep any pamphlets or brochures you find useful!
Pamphlets, Brochures, and More (You may keep these!)
- “50 Things Every Caregiver Should Know”
- “A Checklist for New Caregivers”
- “ADRC” Information Sheet
- “Bathing and Personal Care”
- “Care2Caregivers”
- “Caregivers and Respite Care”
- “Caregiving: How to get the whole family involved”
- “Caring for an older adult”
- “Caring for the Caregiver”
- Deterra Drug Deactivation System pouch
- “Family Caregivers: Special Considerations”
- “Fire Safety for Older Adults”
- “Home Safety for Older Adults”
- “Long Distance Caregiving”
- MCDPH “File of Life”
- “Men and Caregiving”
- “Mercer County Connection”
- “Mercer County Nutrition Project for the Elderly”
- “Rewards of Caregiving”
- “Self-Care for the Caregiver”
- “Types of Care”
- “Understanding Caregiver Grief & Loss”
We’ve also included a list of websites containing information about home care and living options, senior centers, medicaid and medicare, medical equipment, legal and financial services, nutrition, transportation and more
For more resources on caregiving, please go to our Health and Wellness page.